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Where others find a conversation at a bus stop with a stranger to be an inconvenient moment in time, I consider it an important part of my life story. From the moment we take our first breath people and faces are the most important thing for us. As we grow older, too busy to waste time on the awkward random encounters we can forget this. But I don’t.


Being a contemporary process artist, my mission is to create happy art. I create bright and vivacious paintings, drawings and digital art that portray genuine human expressions and emotions.

The best place to gain inspiration for this work is from the world around me. You will never find me looking down at my feet when there is so much wonder in the beautiful people and places around me, which is why I often fall over my own feet.


Creating art is an uncomplicated process where I go with the flow and allow my thoughts to be free. Being around my family and friends is often the catalyst for huge change and development in my work, no faces are better than those of the ones I love. Having a genuine interest in people, observing and depicting them in snap moments of time, I have built a collection of happy funny people.


There are no limits to the works I will create but one thing for sure is I will laugh and enjoy doing it and will encourage others to do the same.


Soutar Festival / Perth/ 2019

Worlds Aids Day Exhibition / Perth Concert Hall / 2018

Generator Projects/ Dundee / 2018


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